Monday, February 28, 2011

Baby, Take a Good Look at Me Now...........

I have had that song (Baby, Take a good look at me now......) in my head all day!  We spent the weekend packing up our kitchen in preparation for a remodeling project that is starting TOMORROW!!! My birthday was friday and I spent most of it boxing, wrapping, packing, and hauling stuff into the garage and to the Goodwill.  Saturday was more of the same and it feels really good to be done.  My parents came and helped with the packing and the kiddos (can't say thanks enough) and Saturday night we enjoyed a night out at Logan's Roadhouse for dinner.  We have a makeshift kitchen set up in our bedroom, complete with a toaster oven, iced tea maker, microwave, and lots of plasticware and paper plates.  I wanted to post a few 'before' pictures and hopefully I can post some 'in progress' and some 'after' pics soon!!!  Wish us luck..............the DEMO starts at 9am in the morning :)

Monday, February 21, 2011

Stella's First Haircut- 15 1/2 Months


Stella- Before the big Haircut!

Snow Day, 2011

Lots of days lately, I've thought that I'd sit down and take the time to update our blog as soon as I finished this or that, or after the kitchen was clean, or the laundry was done and all the kids were in bed............Well, at the end of the day, I've been tired of thinking and doing, and my brain has been scattered.  SO, now I am attempting to update it with a few photos that have captured our Feburary so far!