Well, it all started out good: Babies slept until 7:05 and 7:30. Molly & friends delivered to bible school by 8:45. Home and loaded in the double stroller for a walk by 9:15! I even got a shower afterwards and made 3 dozen muffins for our upcoming trip to Eldorado. We were all rockin along and getting ready for baby naps around 1:30, when I picked Sam up after his bottle and lo and behold the back of his outfit was soaked through- and not with tee tee :( I got him undressed and straight into the bathtub he went. All the while, Molly was trying to keep Stella from getting stuck under the couch, since she is scooting everywhere, mostly backwards, and gets her little feet stuck every time I'm not looking! So, I got Sam all cleaned up and dressed again and put him in a swing so I could change Stella. I heard him cough and when I walked back into the living room he had gagged and thrown up all over himself, the blanket, and the floor. The thought crossed my mind that he could possibly be sick, however, he was smiling up at me with a grin so big, I knew God was testing my patience! I said a quick prayer for no more messes and moved him to the other swing. I got it all cleaned up while he took a good nap afterward. Meanwhile, his SWEET SWEET twin sister is still asleep! Molly is watching cartoons, Sam is playing with his new baseball toy, and all is right again :-)
Yet More Feeling Better Girl Lunches
3 months ago